Is it the appropriate time for you to pursue your entrepreneurial goals, and do you have what it requires to quit your job and follow your passion? Below are a few questions to ask yourself before you commit. 

It is not a choice that should be made hastily if you are operating a side hustle after hours or have been planning a business venture that you have been waiting to launch. Whether you are doing one of these things, the choice to quit the day job that pays the bills and ensures that there is food on the table should not be made lightly. 

To begin, may we inquire as to the motivation behind your desire to be your manager? Are you sick of the way things are right now and seeking a means to get out of them quickly? 

If the answer to this question is yes, you should investigate the possibility of switching occupations, industries, or companies before giving up on your career. There is no question that becoming an entrepreneur is neither the simpler nor the less stressful path. 

All you require may be a shift of scenery to rekindle the fire of enthusiasm you used to have for your career. If you want more money and less pressure in your life, then establishing a business is probably not the best choice for you at this time. 

However, if you are interested in starting your own business rather than quitting your work in a large corporation, there are a few fundamentals that you should be familiar with before moving on to the next phase. 

Put the Following Five Inquiries to Yourself

Do You Possess an Entrepreneurial Spirit?

There are a variety of points of view regarding the question of whether or not business people are born or created. For some people, beginning your own business seems like a natural calling, whereas for others, it is more successful to work as a component of the machine of someone else. Which of these personalities is most like you, in your opinion? 


  • In order to find a solution to an issue, they should ask their manager for assistance and direction. 
  • Pick the one that’s less risky and more familiar. 
  • Thrive in situations that are steady, structured, and secure. 
  • Put in the effort to increase your income and advance your career. 
  • Ask “what?” 

Business Owners 

  • Find answers and resolutions to the challenges people face. 
  • Accept some degree of uncertainty. 
  • Have an inquisitive mind and act quickly. 
  • Consider your mistakes to be opportunities for growth and learning. 
  • Create new things and plan. 
  • are motivated by their enthusiasm and the aspiration to make a difference. 
  • Tend to be generalists who are knowledgeable about a variety of topics to varying degrees. 
  • Ask “why?”

Can You Market a Product?

Selling products and services is an essential part of the beginning and expanding of a business. You need to be brave enough to ask other people to buy from you in order to sell your offering to your clients, suppliers, and partners; sell employment possibilities to recruits; selling your idea to financiers and funders. You need to be able to take rejection well because you are likely to hear the word “no” quite a few times along the route. 

Is Your Company Able to Stand on Its Own?

How far do you plan to take the concept that you have for a company that you have? Before you leave your job, you need to get a head start on developing the idea, and writing a business plan is a wonderful way to do so. Check to see if there is a demand for your service or product. Determine how much it will cost to get the business up and running, estimate how much money the business will make and when it will make it, look at the trends, research the other businesses in the industry, evaluate the risks, and create a timetable that is as accurate as possible. 

Are You Prepared to Make Substantial Changes in Order to Achieve Your Goals?

The path to success as an entrepreneur can be a solitary one, not to mention a challenging one. Holidays, support personnel, and a healthy balance between work and leisure are typically unattainable luxuries for most owners of businesses. 

Especially at the beginning, things can be quite overwhelming. You should anticipate and make preparations for the fact that you will work more hours than you have ever worked before, perform several responsibilities, frequently alter course and adjust plans, earn very little to no money, and make a large number of blunders. To keep going, you will need to have guts, dedication, perseverance, commitment, and the ability to draw into all of the enthusiasm you have for finding a solution to the problem that you’ve discovered. 

Have You Been Able to Put Away a Sufficient Amount of Money?

This is a significant deal! Only a minuscule fraction of new businesses ever generate significant revenue in their early stages. It may take many months before you start seeing steady money, which means that you will have to dip into your funds to pay for your expenses in the meanwhile. A supply lasting for a year is preferable to one lasting for six months. 

In addition, if your initial investment and ongoing expenses are substantial, you will need sufficient funds to meet the costs of running the business. The inability to maintain enough working capital is one of the primary reasons why so many new businesses fail. 

If you replied “yes” to each of the five questions presented above, what is it that is preventing you from achieving your goals? Don’t let your fear of failure prevent you from pursuing your dreams of starting your own business. Just ensure that you have conducted your research regarding the potential that your company possesses, that you have a good “rainy day” fund and that you are prepared for the challenges that lie ahead.